Computex 2008:神基的強固筆電與消費性筆電筆者在假日整理Computex的照片時,發現還有兩、三個新聞沒有寫到,想了一下,覺得神基(MiTAC)的強固筆電很有特色,再加上在台灣也比較少看到強固電筆,決定說明一下。租房子不過這筆電在台灣應該是不會販售的(或是說,也許是特殊單位才有機會採買)。在現場我對強固筆電有以下三個想法:一、堅固:在高度90公分的情形下,在開機的狀態下摔,都不會有事。二、適用惡劣環境:具備防塵防婚禮佈置水特性。筆者曾問在海灘使用有沒有問題(我的數個電子產品曾因為進沙,出了不少狀況。),他說在沙漠使用都沒有問題。三、比看起來輕:展示的筆電中,也有比較輕量級的行動設備,其實拿起來不會太重。至於消費性租屋筆電,也有提到省電 部落格seo軟體以及比一般筆電堅固的特性,但在台也是沒有販售。[Toughbooks and Laptops from Getac]Computex 2008 is officially over. While organizing photos on the weekend, I 西服realized that there are still some interesting news that I forgot to share with you on the weekend. Military-grade notebook is not something we commonly see, so I thought this super tough notebook 室內裝潢from Getac is worth mentioning.Some impressions I got from this tough little guy are:1. Durablility: Even if you drop it from 90 cm high, it will still function perfectly fine.2. 澎湖民宿Environment-proof: Completely waterprrof and dustproof. Need 奇摩知識家貼文軟體to go in the desert? No problem!3. Lightweight: It is lighter than it looks.This rugged tablet PC and Getac%26#39;s 買屋other laptop products are currently not on sale in Taiwan.展示防水能力。Waterprrof design.神基一直以來,都有做強固筆電。而且種類繁多。Getac has been developing rugged laptops for quite a while. 濾桶There are many models on display at their booth.圖中最左邊那個配備,看來很重,但實際拿時,並不會覺得比現在的平板電腦來得重。只不過覺得有些燙就是了。後來想想,之所以會覺得重,最重要是因為四方有個加烤肉食材強用的「墊子」(我也不知應該稱為什麼?)接下來是個人覺得很有特色的B300,這款售價,據說要十萬元吧。台南防水 r>

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